Monday, April 6, 2009

March was a blur and Garage sale mania

March was a busy month at the Backcounter and I have no idea where the time went and no blog posts....ridiculous......Life in the world of the Backcounter Buffet reflects the world at large...too much to do..too little time and a sense of shock about the economic meltdown we are all experiencing.
One of the most fun but tiring activities was the Mother of all Garage Sales. We are fundraising to send the kids riding team to national competitition. It was a success but we have enough stuff left over to do it again. I would love to hear your suggestions on how to maximize the profits on a fundraising garage sale. Please leave your comments. People who frequent at garage sales are a study in diversity.It is all about the shopping experience and the cutthroat vicious bargaining. Some of the shoppers were hilarious...driving up in their BMW's while vociferously voicing their displeasure about the prices of the used clothing....."Not a dollar...will you take 25cents? If you don't ...we leave...." My friend and I took the high road and didn't get into it with the poor sports who were obviously ignoring the fact that the garage sale was a FUND RAISER!!! We let them leave without a comment and watched them drive away in the way more expensive than a year of college car. I suppose that they can afford the car for just that reason...they are willing to bargain down to the last 25 cents. Books...don't sell....used clothing sells, golf items flew off the shelves and shoes were a big hit...Chime in with your garage sale stories and let me know about your best bargain purchase.

Chickens are growing and our stealth technology is working...not a hint that we have been discovered by the neighborhood HOA



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding book sales - a certain vet (the animal kind, not the military kind) of my acquaintance has been known to drive around the garage sales in Payson and buy up piles of books, which he tells me he paid $1 for, in order to later donate them to charity himself so that he can claim the tax deduction. We live in complicated times.
I'm just sayin', is all...
